Repeat prescriptions
Repeat prescriptions can be provided for some stable, ongoing medical conditions. However, you still need regular consultations with your doctor and/or nurse to ensure your condition is monitored within medical guidelines.
If you have not seen your doctor in the last 6 months, you must make an appointment.
Otherwise, you can use our Patient Portal for your repeat prescription.
Your script will be ready in 3 working days. Please allow 2 extra days when ordered on Fridays.
We will contact you should there be a problem with giving you a repeat prescription.
Our prescription fees are $25 for adults and $11 for children under 17. Urgent/same-day scripts are $31. These will be electronically sent to your preferred pharmacy.

Order your repeat prescriptions via Manage My Health patient portal
Never miss your medication requirements again. Order your repeat prescriptions directly through the online Manage My Health Patient Portal.